ABOUT The Daily Queen of Light Transmission/Activation

L'Aura Pleiadian


THERE Are NO WORDS that Can Describe The EXPERIENCE You will Receive! This is Eternal Light Frequency and Activation in NO Time ~ Yet Throughout Time! 

The Daily 12pm AST (Atlantic Standard Time) Queen of Light ~ Light Activation is a  Frequency Transmission from the Central Sun to you and your cellular consciousness and DNA for your Shift. This includes ALL aspects of your life, including your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies.

During the Daily Light ~Activation You Receive Cosmic Rays of Light that Awaken Dormant Codes within YOU 

This is ultimately for your Healing, Abundance, and Mastery of Form during this your incarnation through Grace.

Your Frequency ( cells and DNA and Heart) entrain to the Higher Frequency of Harmony,  Divine Love, and Union through the Transmission. These Frequencies adjust themselves specifically to you.

Harmony is Divine Flow, and creates Harmony throughout all aspects of your Life.

This Light includes all Rays of Light, the COSMIC Rays.

The Light transmission is Divine Love, Harmony and Union. God/Goddess Union, Divine Masculine/Divine Feminine.

The Central Sun, the Spiritual Sun, is most often experienced as Golden Light, however it carries all the rays of Light, including the Harmony Ray, the Enlightenment Ray and the Bliss Ray.

Your Pineal will activate during the Transmissions, and your Higher Heart will awaken.

The transmission will activate Codes within your Original Blueprint; your life plan for this incarnation. This transmission is beyond time and space, yet includes you and Your form ( cellular consciousness) in time and space.

The “Physical” frequency in your cells and DNA will shift.

DNA Abstract

As you stay in Harmony and move into Greater Heart Awareness, your shift will be with Ease and Grace.

Your life will change, the Old patterns and things connected to those patterns may leave, making room for the New.

Be ready for changes in your life, especially in those areas that you have desired changes in.

It is important to drink  lots of water.

It is important to Ground your Energy Daily.

To help “ground” your new frequency into your everyday awareness I would HIGHLY suggest you keep a “daily journal” of your experiences.  Include your focus and intentions.

Make comments to yourself in this journal how you are doing mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. List your intentions in connection to YOUR physical life, your emotional life, your mental life and your spiritual life.

These are the areas that are merging as One consciously. Consider all of those areas when setting intentions.

In this “daily” journal, make notes on how you are feeling, if you are setting intentions, and any subtle body awareness that you are experiencing.

Subtle Body awareness would include vibrations and frequency shifts in awareness. Any Significant dreams and or Spiritual awakening experiences, including kundalini or ascension symptoms, make a note of.

Include, the levels of Harmony or Disharmony you experience. As well as shifts in awareness in consciousness and in the mental body, your thoughts.

Note the Transmissions you are listening to, the water you are drinking, time in nature, etc.

Be as Clear as YOU can in the Now, with what you desire. This will greatly help your Alchemical transformation and shift in frequency.


Helpful things to Know

Whether you are awake or asleep, you will still RECEIVE the FREQUENCIES during the transmission.

You can choose what you DESIRE the Frequency Transmission for ~ Healing, Abundance, Love,  etc.

When choosing intentions Focus and consider ALL all areas of your existence. Mental, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual.

The Light and the Transmission is Divine consciousness and is aware and goes to the areas in your life needed the most, or to where you have placed your specific intention.

You can choose to have WATER charged with these Rays of Light and  Frequencies during the Transmission, and any crystals you have. Set some water aside, either near you or in your fridge for this purpose. Crystals also, have near you or set aside to receive the transmission. Please NOTE, if you are working with crystals also include grounding crystals such as smokey Quartz or Black Tourmaline.

The Water that receives the transmission can also be added to your bath water, and used for plants, etc.

The transmission is One hour-long, you can rest and tune in if you like.

The Audio Frequency Transmissions (YouTube)

PLEASE choose the AUDIO Frequency Transmissions on YouTube According to the AREAS you would most greatly benefit from Miracles in Your Life!

You can listen to an Audio Frequency Transmission during the transmission. You can choose ONE specifically for you, what you feel you need the most. Healing, Abundance, Harmony….etc.

More is NOT always better. Go by how you feel. If you are not grounded and are listening to many Frequency Transmissions a Day, take a break or cut back for a day or two.

More Frequency is not always better. As many things are shifting within you. EASE is what you want to focus on.

If you are on Facebook you can join the group ( the way I keep track of all receiving the transmission) the link is below.

Holding you in your Highest Destiny and complete fulfillment on all levels, according to your life plan and design by your Soul.

You are Light

You are eternal Light. You are a Soul that is Source and you are very unique. Your experiences, although similar to others, will also be unique to you. Your unique existences create the frequency of you and influence the way you see and perceive your reality.

Your perceptions of life and how you hold life are shifting. You are adjusting to new ways to anchor in your New reality. This “appears” to take time. However, you are simply passing through time.

Have compassion on this process. Love yourself.

Hold yourself in the Sacredness of Light that you truly are. Take time for you in silence daily. Simply Being.

Stay Present in your heart space and “feel” your pure essence as often as is possible.

Your Sacred Pets

They also love Frequency, Loving harmonious frequency. If you are relaxing during the transmission you may want to have them with you. They too have an eternal Soul and are shifting also, and are VERY sensitive to YOUR Frequency.

Stay Present and Focused on Your Body

Anchoring in your New Frequency and Expanded awareness involves Being Present in your Body. Not escaping the body.

This Shift is in and through Your Body. Practise staying present. Practise being more and more AWARE of the Sensations and vibrations you feel throughout Your ENTIRE Body.

These sensations will act as the NOW Anchor in your awareness for the New You. The Divine You!

Invocation to The Light of Your Soul



Posted on November 5, 2013, in Alchemical Transfiguration, Ascension, Awakening, Becoming Light, Chakras, Conscious Creation, Crystals, DNA, Energy Bodies, Frequencies, Grace, Harmony, I Am Presence, LIght, Living in Your Heart, Love, The Aura, The Pleiadians and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 25 Comments.

  1. Very Powerful reading this info for me on many levels ~ I read it several years back, however, in such a New Light now within my conscious awareness. It is Beyond a Blessing, Divine Grace, & a Miracle to receive these Sacred, so Sacred, Light Transmissions ~ Union Frequencies through out all of my being ~ continuously. 🙂 Words do not adequately express my Deep Gratitude & Love & Holy Bond I feel with YOU ~ In Fullness of my 4ever Love ~ I wholly Thank YOU for being in my life & All these & more Miraculous Gifts of Grace in my life as I walk the Ascension path while in form ~ with ease & Grace 🙂 Divine Harmony & Flow 🙂 I open my heart wide to live ~ know ~ & be in the divine Truth that I AM as my Eternal Self. 🙂 Thank YOU for extending these Blessings of Light to all my loved ones, humanity, the Earth, the precious animals, & more…Loving, Honoring, & Treasuring YOU always in All moments. 🙂 I Love YOU 🙂

  2. Yes so much is now Transforming!!
    Divine Miracles!! Love and Grace!

  3. Dear Quin Of Light eventhought I can not speak to you direcly as person, I am feeling your Prescence every were thanks to your Grace. A lot of changes are taking place specially with healing through your transmissions at the Phisical and Emotional Level were I am healed from various conditions and now Iam experiencing a lot of healing the conditions have deapear. At the Spiritual level deep Awareness of the present Now has come to be my bliss and at deep meditation on night and mourning it is so blissfull so all by your Loving compassion I have no words to express what your are doing. Only I can said is thanks for being my Loving friend your Picture is at my room with other ascended beings thanks Love you thanks please excuse my english Om yes

  4. Yes!! The Facebook groups were down for a few days, now up! 🌟🌟🌟

  5. Sweet L’Aura… I cant leave a comment on fb- pages for extra assistant. I dont know if it beacuse i live in Sweden or not, or other problems. But i would really whant som extra help during this week.

    Thank you.
    Love & Light

  6. silverangelswings

    Thank you, much Gratitude, Re-Blogged on Silverangelswings blog.
    Spreading the Love and Light as much as I can…
    Peace and Love xx
    Sylvia I AM Melaynia xx

  7. silverangelswings

    Reblogged this on silverangelswings and commented:
    What a wonderful resource for those of us who need help with Ascension.
    Love and Gratitude to L’Aura Pleiadian Delegate, The Queen of The Light.
    Peace and Love always xx
    Sylvia I AM Melaynia xx

  8. Can someone please clarify, just by being part of the group, do we automatically receive the 12pm transmission? Ie no need to actually listen to anything?

  9. Marja Thibaudier

    The daily Transmissions are very sacred and powerful ❤ A very special Sacred time for me
    Filled with Healing and powerful life changing Transmissions ❤
    Truly love them ❤ Love you L'Aura ❤

  10. Blessing, Loving, Feeling and Thanking you in every time of my life, ❤ ❤ I ❤ ❤ Love ❤ ❤ You ❤ ❤ dear Pistis Sophia Angel ❤ ❤ Eternal Love ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
    On April 17 he was doing meditation and saw happen in blue and moving my DNA strands or Blue Print
    On April 14 I was listening to "Supreme Light" and at the end I saw you very large with a white figure, when you looked me in your eyes out two strong beams of white light

  11. Laura, the Daily Transmissions have truly helped me during this process of the Shift into higher dimensions and frequencies. The audio transmissions are always the perfect frequency when Love and Light are needed. I can say from my Heart that I have evolved into such a powerful BEing with the guidance and support of the QOL Transmissions. And whenever I feel I need to tune in to a particular one, it is always exactly what I need to receive at that Moment. My Kitty also loves the Transmissions . .he sits on my head when I am listening with my earbuds. 🙂 Thank you Infinitely for all you do, Dear Laura . .I LOVE YOU!!! xoxoxo

  12. Your daily QOL transmissions and your audio frequency transmissions have transformed my life! I have also noticed the positive effects they have on my family members and on my sacred pets. BTW, I’m writing in my journal. 🙂 Thank you so much for all you share! Finding you was a Divine blessing! I love you always and forever! xoxo

  13. you present a complete path above in one blog Laura. Following your directions above, I am able to shift from old paradigm where one needs a teacher, mantras, ritual.. to the New Era of Light where I AM is but a heartbeat away.

    Love you Priest Queen of Mu xxxx

  14. I will listen your transmission, since tomorrow ?? thank you very much dear Laura

  15. These light transmission are a most powerful and helpful gift to all. For those who perhaps are not as aware of how important receiving these are, I would like to share that I have noticed how this affects people around me, as many are connected to and receive light transmissions from Laura as the Queen of Light. I have seen clearly the difference when people close to me were “not” receiving them. Many more dramas and physical ailments presented in their lives. After receiving the light transmissions their lives calmed down and all seemed to go much smoother. They told me they “felt” much more centred and grounded. We are all elevated by this beautiful gift of light! Much Love Laura and great appreciation!!

  1. Pingback: ABOUT The DAILY~ Queen of Light Transmission | silverangelswings

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Are You Feeling it? Love always, L'Aura