Walk on Through



Imminent Changes, it is True,
Heaven Sent, with no ado.

When you are Not looking, it does take place,
Without notice, beyond time and space.

Do not imagine, when it will Be so,
be Present in your Heart, Live what you Know.

The focus of Living, is not out there,
have courage to be Free, if you Dare.

Let Go of attachments, and all that you Believe,
Rest in Love, there is nothing to Achieve.

If Living in Victory, is All that you Do,
then you will Begin again, as on Mu.

What is to come has been Prophesied,
do not let thoughts, keep you Preoccupied.

For it is in Truly Living, that This comes about,
not living in fear of darkness, laden with doubt.

Miracles are Here for you, and Dreams do come true,
Breathe in the Love, and walk on Through.



I Am the Victory that is for You! I Am Victoria Elohim! I Am!



For MORE information on the Birthing of The New Creation Please go to:

http://www.iamthequeenoflight.com and read the Archives, here are some links to a few of The New Creation Posts:




I have included below links for you to receive The Frequency Transmissions from the Central Sun through the Queen of Light, Audio and Daily, that will activate the Codes within your Original Blueprint. Please like my Page!!

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laura@thequeenoflight.com laura@pleiadiandelegate.com

To Order the Angelic Human Activation, The Starseed Activation, Twin Soul Activation, Blueprint Activation, 12 Strand DNA Activation, Light Transmissions, and Healing Sessions, Please visit my Website:

http://www.pleiadiandelegate.com/ http://www.thequeenoflight.com

copyright Pleiadian Delegate 2012-2014.

About L'Aura Pleiadian

Holding All in Divine Love and Transformation, Forevermore, L'Aura

Posted on June 9, 2014, in Alchemical Transfiguration, Alchemy, Ancient Mysteries, Completion, Conscious Creation, Consciousness, Heaven on Earth, I Am Presence, Immortal Body of Light, Living in Truth, Love, Mu, Priest Queen of Mu, Pure Being, Reality Shifts, The Birthing of The New Creation, The Creator Gods~ The Elohim, The New Creation, Time, Time Space Continuum, Unconditional Love, Victoria Elohim, Victory, Your Reality, Your Souls Plan and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. Marja Thibaudier

    Yes ❤ beautiful I will
    Thank you for all this
    Love you Elohim Victoria ❤

  2. Christine Browne

    I am so ready for this change dear Laura xxxxxxx

  3. Yes my beloved, love only love, love and love. Feel your presence with me, Love you

  4. Ascension Angels

    Reblogged this on Ascension Angels and commented:
    Thank you Laura Pleiadian/Victoria Elohim/The Queen of Light 🙂

  5. Wonderful, Laura! Love, Love, Love you! ❤

Are You Feeling it? Love always, L'Aura