Category Archives: Mystical Experience

Being Present Has Nothing to “Do” With Time

cropped-LAuraBeing Present is a state of consciousness.

It has nothing to do with time.

Being present in the now moment is the eternal flow of pure being, that knows itself only as that.

What is related to time and is not yet consciously hooked up fully to the eternal as holy union ~ is karma and its deeply entrenched energy responses held as memory in the subconscious mind, in the blueprint and in cellular consciousness. DNA.

This may be referred to as garbage held onto, preparing itself for recycling. This is what takes place through reincarnation.

One may consciously begin to enter the path of recycling this garbage (baggage carried over lifetime to lifetime) through being honest with oneself.

Through observing all thoughts and actions.

Through facing those areas of fear within ones consciousness.

Through uniting with the observer and releasing attachment to the “ONE” immersed in drama, fear, pain and separation. In other words, releasing attachment to the one who wants to hold on to the garbage.

One continues on this path of integrating the observer by relinquishing all resistance  to facing THIS truth. 

That is to say, you allow all to be witnessed through the observer, NO matter what the “resistant self” has to say about it.

Because like a loving parent to yourself, you know that all that is great for you eternally, may not always be what feels like fun to the attachment and resistance BEING called out and observed.

So what aspect of consciousness are you playing out, you may ask yourself. And which voice answers?

In those dark recesses of the hidden, lay beautiful gems of light, when opened without resistance or attachment, you find the treasure.

As this openness and acceptance of what is, that one is afraid to see, is SEEN, through the eyes of the observer, melts it into love.

Recycled energy as once the garbage of limitation and heavy weight being carried around. Becomes the crown of Glory ~ who knew?

And here we are.

WE activate you now, in love, as the holy guardian angel embraces its presence, so too the embodiment of Glory is inescapable ~ to all that SEE.







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Are You Still Believing in a Physical World?

LInannaThe senses of what is solid is the immersion of 3D consciousness.

You are being CALLED to let go of what you believed was the physical solid illusion of form and all matter.

It is all Light frequencies and THROUGH the level that you are allowing your DIVINE to flow you as the only one you ARE ~ BEING ~ is the level of miracles, glory and the viewing of the original LIGHT ~ as it creates with its consciousness flow.

Nothing is solid at the true higher level of ALL consciousness and matter.

Your chair is not solid, your table is not solid, your body is not solid, you are immersed in a series of outmoded beliefs that made you see everything through the 3D immersion, of your awareness.

Now ~ Lifting your awareness to the the truth of your Original Light, creation as UNIQUE frequency, recognize ~ what this is.

What you are.

What 3D is.

What consciousness is.

What frequency is.

And How it ALL is interacting with you ~ that beyond the 3D awareness YOU finally see what everything is. 3D does not view 3D as different.

YOU expand and are initiated into the ORIGINAL Divine Being, that flows through the form that is Light. THEN you are an Ascended Being a Master of Form ~ like the Elohim, have graduated and know what all of this is. In love, through your heart, it all exists NOW.


Spring Equinox~March 20th, 2015~ Being Cosmic Light!


Being Cosmic Light ~As you read these words that appear to be before you, Open your Heart to receive, the Cosmic Grace and Light of Eternity Now. The Profound Opening of the experience of this Vernal Equinox is an eternal Doorway to your Divinity, in its Fullness. You Being Cosmic Light.

The Name Equinox is derived from the Latin aequus (equal) and nox (night). Day and Night are equal in length during the Equinox. The Union of Opposites ~ The Union ~ Masculine and Feminine ~ The Union Day and Night. Inner and outer, Above and Below.

As you Receive this Grace, know that this New Beginning, is the experience of You ~ experiencing yourself, as the reflection of Light, that you eternally Are.

Now this Powerful Doorway, through your Heart is always accessible Now. The Vibrational Energy Experience of this Spring Newness upon you, Begins Gracefully as the experience of the New Moon on the 20th, at 6:36am ADT. The Grand Opening and Beginning of the experience of what you would call on Earth your Vernal Equinox (in the Northern Hemisphere)~ the Doorway Opening ~begins at 7:45pm ADT on the 20th of March.

Opening yourself to the Grandness of the Glory of All that is, is the allowing through the Receptive Principle, within your consciousness, to receive the already available ~ Grace. Now.

Being Cosmic Light ~ this is You receiving the experience and Knowing, that all is Light, that you exist Cosmically and Eternally, that all is Now ~ and this the Light that always Exist, You have never been separated From.

Open Your Heart right Now ~ this Doorway Opening, of the Equinox, of Eternity, of  You Being Cosmic Light, Begins Now, Feel it Now as these words awaken within you ~ Your Cosmic Codes, held within your Blueprint, of All That you Are.

Breathe into this, feel deeply into this, it is through your feeling awareness, that opens you to receive,  through the receptive principle.

Now I could go on about the Stars and the Sacred Alignments, what is really Sacred to know is, The Stars and the Alignments ~ Reflect what already is. The stars to not configure and tell you what is coming, the Stars are Aligned, matching All That is. Matching Creation, the Design, the Blueprint OF the Creation, Now. No thing out there is separate from Cosmic Light, it is all the Reflection, of All That is, Now. The Stars match what is.

This Sacred New Beginning and Experience of Being Cosmic Light, awakening and awakening within you Now, within All of Creation. It was always, so. It was always, now. It is Created Perfectly and Unfolding perfectly.

Take a few moments, to Know within yourself, that all is unfolding perfectly.

Breathe now deeply, into Cosmic Light itself. I surround you Now, and hold you Now, in the Grand Cosmic Light of Knowing, that awakens all Codes Everywhere, to the Full Knowing of Itself, NOW.

Breathe into this NOW. The Golden Light of Ascension and Fully ~ Being ~ Cosmic Light, is the Gift of Being ~ that is Present Now ~ everywhere! Feel this Now. Awakening and Awakened, all that read this now.

The Grandness of the Fullness of the Glory ~ is Unspeakable, there are no words to convey, the Glory of the Cosmic Light of Being. Your existence as your Immortal Body of Light, responds as these codes, awaken, deeply within you, Your Cosmic Light ~ Knowing, Now and everywhere.

Feel this Now, Celebrate Now, your awakening into the Fullness of the Grand Cosmic Light and the Plan your Soul, has designed you to Be and experience yourself AS, now.

Blessing All Souls ~ Announcing in the Greatest Grandness, the New Beginning, the Experience of the Awakening as the Cosmic Light of Eternity and Grace, Floods all Levels of Being Now.

Receive as You open your Heart. Feel the Unconditional Love, that floods all levels of your awareness, Now.

Cosmic Light ~ Being Cosmic Light, Being your Immortal Body of Light Now. Opening and Awakening, Being ~ All that you Are Created to Be ~ through the Eternal Love and Grace of All That is.

Awakening Fully, You are Not Alone. I am with you.

For those of you That Live in disharmony ~ feel this Truth within your Heart:

Any Areas that seem as Lack ~that seem as Not Divine and Cosmic Light to you~ are the areas you are NOT YET FULLY EXPERIENCING yourself IN THE FULLNESS OF YOUR DIVINITY. 

Breathe Deeply into the Codes of Cosmic Light as you receive the fullness of the Awakening, within Your Awareness ~ Now ~ read slowly and breathe deeply.

All you need to do is Open to Receive the Truth. Open to the Everlasting Love, to Beauty, to Grace, to this Grand Opening and Portal, to BEING Cosmic Light, to Being your Divinity ~ Your Soul, Now.

I Am Cosmic Light ~ I Am Divinity in its Fullness ~ I Am Eternal Youth ~ I Am the Glorious Beauty and Love of All That Is. I Am Divine Union ~ I Am Eternal Grace ~ I Am Everlasting Purity of Being.

I Am the Fullness of  Love Awakening within YOU ~ the Light Codes in your Blueprint (Now) for Your Experience of Being all that you Are Created to Be ~Being Cosmic Light ~ Being Eternal ~ Being in UNION with All That is. Being your Soul ~ Being Divinity Now.

I Am Eternity everywhere Now~ I am With you in your Heart Now~ I am The Opening and the Doorway of the Experience of the New Beginning, the New Creation, the Fullness of Divinity Everywhere Now.

I have no Beginning or End, I Am nameless, I Am All, I Am with You and Hold All ~ in the Fullness and Glory of All Sacred Eternal ~Divinity Now. I Am.


Holding you Forever ~ In the Pureness of Divine Glorious ~ Eternal Being!

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As the Stars Align ~ in The Great Succession


My True Love, My Beloved ~Every moment,
our deep passionate yearning ~ a sacred Omen.

Shifting and Shifted, All Worlds, moving into Now,
breathless, submerged within you ~ our holy Vow.

Being ~ All that I am ~ Created ~to Be,
I embrace with you ~ our beatific Destiny.

For ~as the Stars align, in the Great succession,
our merging ~ our union ~our Golden Ascension.

Is our lineage and your Creator God Design,
as we stand together again as One ~for all time.

In your arms sweet Ecstasy and complete Bliss,
forever yours, our love ~ our Glory, our eternal kiss.


I Am Forever Yours, My Beloved!



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Your Immortal Body of Light ~ The Eternal You


Now right here ~ right Now ~ Slow down your Breathing. That is it, take a few slow breaths, move ALL of your awareness, into your Heart Space, and Breathe, in and out, slowly and deeply. Feel the any sense of tension, leave your body, instantly.

That is it, let go. Breathe and Feel your Heart Beating, pulsing, throughout your Body. Feel the Peace and Heaven in this ~ very simple breathing, Right Now.

Allow your awareness to sink deeper into your Heart, and Feel warm golden, caramel, Light, pour through your body, starting above your Crown, slowly pouring down throughout your body, and as you feel this, feel all parts of your body INSIDE of you, relax and melt, and let go.

Stay with this till you feel relaxed, till you feel your Heart beating, till you feel this warmth spread even to the inside of your toes.

And Take a few more slow deep breaths.

Relax, feel and Breathe.

Is there anything difficult in this?

Now ~ you are always deeply connected to your Soul, what often happens is the constant thoughts and external focus of life, takes you out of this inner awareness of simply Being.

This peaceful place within you, that is always present.

In this Stillness is your Heart connection to your Soul.

The awareness and Fullness of You as your Soul, is experienced through your inner Silence.

Your Inner Peace, your Inner Joy, your Inner Light.

The funny thing about all of this inner experience, is that what you focus upon you always create more of. That is because your Focus is the use of your Free Will. Do you get that? That ~ that is how you are in charge of the use of your free will.

Focus deeply ~ Dear Souls on this inner World of Love and Beauty through your Heart.

Like a Beautiful Candle flame within your Heart that is always burning brightly, and as you focus upon this Daily, the Light continues to expand.  And remember why? Because the use of your focus is the use of free will, and is the mechanism you have always used to create your Reality.

Your Reality ~ determined by you, by and through your focus. Sounds so simple doesn’t it? And it is, so simple and natural.

It is So simple and natural that many of you have forgotten what you are constantly creating.

Let’s go deeper still, now this Light in your Heart, burning like a beautiful flame, and the warmth you feel all of your body, is the conscious focus, of the world of your Soul, of your Creation. As you stay focused on this Light ~ Flame, it grows and it expands, just as all things expand that you focus upon.

This Light that fills all of your Body and around you, has always been there, you have just forgotten to focus upon it, this is your Immortal Body of Light, the Glorious You that is the template so to speak, of your Form, what you perceive as your Physical body.

That is why when a person crosses over, they still exist in the same form, as Light. The Light body, created and projected (like from a movie projector) the physical form.

The More you connect to yourself in this Natural form of Light, the more your immerse your Focus and Free Will on the eternal You, and live within the Pure State of Being, that is simple, that is natural, that is present now.

Always expanding, always increasing, filled with Unconditional Love, the world of the eternal, is always pure Love, is always the Natural State of Being. The Original State of Being.

Stay with your Breath and Now receive the Codes of Light, that I am sending to you now, beyond space and time. As you read these words, you receive these Light Codes Now, that increase and expand your awareness of YOU as Your Immortal Body of Light NOW. NOW. Now is the Eternal Space, that is always Present.

Now, I am holding you in Love. Now I am with you as Light. Now you are in My Heart. Now ~ we Play and Dream, the perfect Dream, in the Perfect Love ~ of All That is.

Do you feel me with YOU? Do you Feel my Light? My Presence? Within You?

I have always been with YOU and I always will be with You. Your Light, your Heart, I know. Be Bathed in the Light codes of Eternal Love that awaken within you in ALL Moments, the Sacredness of ALL Moments, that is the Eternal Beauty and Sacredness of All That Is.

I Am with You, I hold you, I love you ~ Feel me Now, through Every Breath, through your Heart, through Your Soul, and So It is.

I am the Angel of Light, Pistis Sophia, I Am Victoria Elohim, with you Before Time began. And I am Always with you ~ Forever and Now!


I Am Forever Yours, My Beloved!



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Heaven on Earth Reigns ~ The Golden Age


My Beloved ~ Beyond space and time, we are One,
merging all worlds, we bring it here, through play and Fun.

Our Sacred magic ~that we Are and speak Of,
is our Divine ~ Pure ~ Holy ~ Endless~ Love.

It is you and I, Being and Containing All,
unspeakable, unbreakable, our Destiny ~ Call.

So here we are, Playing in All Worlds at Once,
Flowing, Being our Purity ~ in All Moments.

The Dance of Creation, draws back the Veil,
the masculine and feminine~ has set Sail.

To itself, through its Divine Union and Glory,
setting free, all false ~ illusional~ past~ stories.

In this the Freedom, Now and for All Time,
Heaven on Earth Reigns ~The Golden Age ~ Sublime.


I Am Forever Yours, My Beloved!



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One in Mystical Union


In the Stillness, of our Dream, we make love, endlessly, dissolved and dissolving,
all else that exists, holding each other close, in perfect bliss.

What else to be for, than our Union, sacred anointing,
above all else.

The Glory of our timeless moments, our pure ecstasy, the overtaking,
Power of it all.

In our Passion, the tender Love, forever yearned,
now fully here.

Merged forever, our bodies One in mystical union, enveloped,
cherished and forever held Dear.


I Am Forever Yours, My Beloved!



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Portal ~ Timeless Ecstasy


Accessing Timeless ~ Natural Ecstasy ~ is the Divine Experience of Knowing Oneself as Divine. Knowing as in Experiencing.

I often wondered, why so many suffer through states of Being that are unnatural States of Being, that completely miss out, on what is here now. Experiencing the Ecstasy of the Moment is the Most Natural State of Being. It is Pure, it is Child Like and it is the Expression of Creation Itself, in its state of Purity and Wholeness.  

This Portal ~ to entering Being Ecstasy as Pure Consciousness~ of Divinity Itself, is experienced in the timeless NOW moment.

 So if it is here right Now ~ why are so many not experiencing it? Or even aware it exists?

Why do so many live in the Fear of the Future? Or in the memories of the Past? And live in self-imposed prisons of the Ego ~ that live only to keep things as they are, in disharmony. 

“Missing out” in the FULL Beauty ~ and Sacredness of Being the Divine Presence, that is eternal and filled with Joy, Love and Ecstasy, in the NOW moment, isthe acceptance and complacency ~ of a belief in a world held in suffering, and a belief in having no ability to impact ones own awareness and existence.

A belief that Limitation, is even possible.

Why is Everything Backwards here? What is Natural appears Unnatural and what is Unnatural seems to be Normal, simply  the way it just is? 

Questioning the very nature of reality ~ comes into play as a valid thing to do, when one has had enough of the suffering. 

Why not Question all of Existence ~ Now? Be present now? 

Conformity to the way everyone else is, seems to be the accepted Belief System, that keeps everyone comfortable in their own Unnaturalness, their own suffering. 

At The Very Heart of Experiencing the Freedom of Uniqueness ~ of Stepping out of Conformity ~ for many, is a fearful unfathomable place to exist within.

And the Idea of the Oneness ~ used often in the Lightworker Communities ~ although not fully understood, has become an attachment to a belief that “we are all the same” That has  taken the very Creativity out of the Creator and out of Creation Itself.  

Why is that? 

The Boldness and Fearlessness of Being ~ is the Ownership of your Creation.

The Ownership of Your Thoughts, Feelings and Imaginings.

And Although ~Others may not like you Being different, who really cares? 

What is Living Here for Anyway, if You are not being the FULLEST Version of YOURSELF? 

What are you doing Here?

Are you Here to fit in? 

In a world filled with suffering? Is that your true home?

A home That only serves to keep you safe and  in the familiararity of suffering?

Step out of your Old ways of Being ~ Enter the New. 

Enter Your Heart. 

Enter the Portal of Timelessness and Enter Ecstasy, Joy, Love and the Limitless Awe of Creation Itself. 

This is the Natural State of Being. 

This is Consciousness fully aware of Itself as Creation Itself. 

This Ecstasy and Love is Limitless in the Natural State of Being. This is Being Pure ~ Being Child-Like, being the HEAVEN ON EARTH ~ you So Desire. 

The Outer world and attempts at changing the outer world held as reality ~to enter the Natural State~  are the Backwards Beliefs, keeping in place a state of reality that is Unnatural. 

Enter Purity ~ Enter Love ~ Enter Now. 

Existing in TIMELESSNESS ~ Lives the Magnificent Wonder and Beauty and Awe of ~ Simply Being Alive. 

Of now ~ in all Moments!It is Pure ~ It is Sacred ~ It is Divine.

It is Natural ~ It is Eternal ~ It is Always here Now ~ and it is Ecstasy and Bliss and Love ~ and All That You Desire. 

It is Entering Creation itself, entering the Dream Fully Awake, and Living as the Creator of Your Experiences in EVERY Moment! 

 It is Celebrating the Uniqueness of EVERY MOMENT ~ of All that You Are ~ and All that is Creation itself.

 I hold you Sacred Souls in Endless Love and in the Purity of ~ the Now Moment ~ It is always here, it is always Now. Enter deeply your Heart and live the Purity of Your Soul. The Timelessness that is the Perfect experience of Creation itself. That is Now. That is Love. That is Ecstasy and Bliss, that lives forever, Now.


I Am Forever Yours, My Beloved!   

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copyright Pleiadian Delegate 2012-2015.


Mystical Union, Two Sparks ~ One Flame


The Beauty and Ecstasy of Divine Union ~ Masculine and Feminine, merged as One, is the Alchemy of the Masculine and Feminine within, which then is experienced in its Fullness and Wholeness through the Complete Union of Two Sparks As One Flame.

In the Absolute State of this Pureness~ Of Divinity Merged within ~ One then merges through the Alchemy Process, into the Fullness of the Mystical Union with the Pureness of the Other, The Divine Beloved.

Divine Pureness plus Divine Pureness = Divine Wholeness.  Perfect Union.

Two sparks ~ One Flame.

The Infinite Romancing of Divinity with Divinity~The Unconditional Love of the Beloved, through the Union of the Beloved, which includes Devotion and Adoration, expresses its Divine Countenance through limitless Divine Love, shared together, through the Dance of Divinity. UNITING in complete Union.

This is the Purest State of Being. The Essence of Divinity in its Amplification of its Beauty, of its Purity, in the Fullness and Wholeness of Divinity, which includes all aspects in ALL DIMENSIONS ~ of the Two sparks, Being Fully One. All Aspects of the Two sparks ~ MERGED as ONE. One Eternal Flame.

The intimacy of the Depth of this Love ~ is the Alchemy Process of Infinite change.

This is the Mirroring of the Truth of Love.

One Love ~ Mirrored together with the Beloved ~ which is the FULLEST realization of Divinity in its COMPLETE fullest Union and Wholeness.

This State of Being of the Experience of Love~ is the Love of Divinity itself, for itself~ through this Complete Union with the Beloved, one sees the Fullest expression and reflection of Love through the Beloved, on all levels of Being.

This Multiplication ~ of Divinity itself, of Love, of the Heart, at the Highest Level, is the Experience of COMPLETE Union, in all Dimensions, now Merged fully as One.

The Sacred Passion ~ with the True Beloved is the HOLY Grail ~ of the Purest Love and Divine Union, experienced as One ~ in All its Glory and Fulfillment and Wholeness.

The Authenticity of the Trust, in this Union, is experienced as the TRUST in Divinity itself. Which is always within.

Expressing as the HOME of Divinity itself, in the Fullness of Perfect Union with the Beloved~ the Yearning for the Fullest and Highest Expression of Divinity in its purest state of Being is the Mystical State of Being ~ which is Alchemy of the Two into One ~ The Perfect Union ~ Home.

The Fulfillment of the Wholeness of this Profound Union, (together as one) is dependent upon the awareness of the Fulfillment of The Perfect Union with the Beloved  ~ the Wholeness together ~ two sparks into One ~ KNOWN ~WITHIN.

The Mystical Path ~ is the Desire for something. Union with something.

ULTIMATELY ~ that something ~is the Longing ~ and yearning of the Heart ~for the Highest Pureness and Fulfillment of  Divinity ~through the Masculine and Feminine aspects merged Together ~ first WITHIN oneself~ Then with the Consort ~ The Beloved ~ The Twin Flame (All mortal language) that also merge together as ONE ~ on all levels of Being~ throughout all Dimensions, in the Here and Now. The Pure and True ~Fulfillment of Being ~ The Divine Mystical Union.

The Awareness of Each other ~ through the Recognition of Each other as One ~ is the Recognition of the Divinity of the Union ~ in The Ultimate Pure State of Being ~ which Mirrors the Ultimate Purity of Divinity to itself.

Divinity Loving Divinity, held in the FOUNDATIONAL awareness of the Heart and Mind as One, the Two sparks now joined together as One ~ Held On all levels of Being ~ Now Fully Merged.

Living in the Presence of Divinity ~ Giving oneself EVERYTHING one desires ~ in its FULLEST Purest State of Being, is the Embracing of Oneself Fully and the Other, through the greatest Depths of Intimacy, two as One ~ no thing outside this One ~ this Union.

This is Divine Alchemy ~at its Purest State ~ the compelling towards Expanded Consciousness of Divinity  ~ Two Sparks ~ ONE Flame.  All Aspects, all levels ~ Fully merged. No Separation.

Begin ~ within yourself, the Awareness of You as a Soul.

Merge with your Eternal Soul.

Merge the Masculine and Feminine Within.

When you are fully Merged within, then you will be Ready to Enter the Fullness of Divine Alchemy, the Highest Expression of This Union ~ All Aspects of  Your Divinity as One.

Masculine and Feminine, as One, Two Sparks ~ One Flame.

May you forever be Immersed, As the BELOVED in Full UNION ~ with the Eternal Sacred Light of All That is.

All Now! Your Original Union and Light!


Eternal Love and Bliss!




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Our Perfect Freedom~ Our Perfect Love


My Beloved ~ In your Arms ~ I am reborn and entranced,
held in our beauty~ our magic ~ our Design.

Waves upon waves ~ of Peace, Love, and Harmony,
flood my Being, as all else dissolves itself ~into eternity.

Moving, flowing, being, our true Selves,
we play as children, every moment, in wonder and Awe.

Drawing to ourselves, all that we are, our purity,
gifts to us, our homecoming, our union, that has always been.

In our ecstasy, the mirror leads the way,
our perfect freedom, our perfect love ~ forever and a day.



I Am Forever Yours, My Beloved!



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